
It has always been a very common thing to draw comparisons. This is even more true in sports, where people love to compare teams or players to find out who are the best ones. If there is a debate that regularly shakes the basketball planet 🏀, it is about the GOAT. It divides as much between generations as between styles of play. It tries to settle who is the Greatest player Of All Time, or more succinctly the GOAT 🐐.
Indeed, more and more Basketball fans and journalists are doing their best to answer one very specific question: Can LeBron James dethrone Michael Jordan as the GOAT?
This one now belongs to the pantheon of sport debates, alongside Messi vs Ronaldo ⚽, or Nadal vs Federer 🎾. As you will have understood, given the passion towards this debate, the stakes are high. We will therefore try to present the most relevant facts. This will provide you an armada of arguments for your next verbal joust over this subject.

Also, if you are a newcomer to the NBA planet, you may want to visit this website which is a good DataViz introduction to the fundamentals of the NBA.


A quick look at the average points per game by season shows us that during his prime (still not taking into account his last two seasons), MJ was a way better scorer than LeBron James. Even though LeBron's numbers are amazing, Jordan's ones are just outstanding and actually are an all time NBA record.

Going more into details, we can see that Jordan takes more shots per game and is slightly less efficient than James. Also, the crazy numbers of triple doubles (double digits statistics in at least three categories such as rebounds, assists and points) and double doubles of James shows that he is much more versatile in offense. James tends to score a bit less then Jordan, but he contributes in a more global way to the offensive phases. This confirms the trend that we first saw in the bar chart race video where James had much greater Assists and Rebounds numbers than Jordan.

Let’s have a look at the short maps of James and Jordan’s careers. LeBron's style is very athletic which involves a very high presence under the rim. However, LeBron is far from being limited to that as he has a very developed 3-points game, in line with the modern area gameplay where 3-points shots have a critical impact on winning games and championships. Overall, James is extremely versatile and can score from literally everywhere.
In Jordan’s case, we can notice that his 3-points game is less developed (probably because of the playing style back then). However, we can see a huge presence at mid distance on both sides of the rim, which confirms the beliefs about his famous signature move, the mid distance fade away.
Even if both players have their own playing style and specificities, we can see that they are above the league standards at literally every single position, which shows how amazing scorers they are.

LeBron James                                                                        Michael Jordan


Jordan actually won the 6 Finals he played (some say he was the killer instinct). But for James, it’s more complicated: he won "only" 4 Finals while he played 10. But thanks to our statistics, we can observe that the competition faced by LeBron James was more intense (on average) at the Finals he played. Indeed, James has had to play against two of the best teams in NBA history (if we exclude the Bulls of Jordan of course !) : the Steph Curry’s Golden State Warriors and the San Antonio Spurs led by the most outstanding (and charismatic) trio of all time. Even though this statistic is a bit speculative, we can argue that James faced stronger competition than Jordan, which might explain why he lost so many finals.